The uninhibited laughter...
This picture brings along so many memories. This was taken in Jodhpur (Rajasthan) on my 5th birthday. I am the one on left, trying to again act cool, my brother who was born in Jodhpur is the one on right and my mom is trying to control us (or just my brother). What I love about this picture is my brother's laugh. He is just so excited to see my toy-gun, which I remember used to make noise and emit some kinda light. Just look at him and how he is enjoying himself. Only a child can have such a laugh, which is so uninhibited. As we grow older we start getting conscious of everything including our laughs.
The horse frame above was done by my mom using that stiching things. She used to paint too but only animals or nature. I try my best to make her start painting again because she was so good but she just doesn't listen to me and gives me bahanas all the time.
The butterfly frames on the top are actual butterflies framed. My parents gave it to my uncle in US who took it there and everyone used to love them because they were so colorful and real. They were only made in Jodhpur but because of Govt. regulations have been banned but it was one-of-a-kind thing. The lamp on the left is one of the oldest lamps we have. It's made from special Hyderabadi black metal with wonderful design to go with it.
Ah!! The memories remain forever...